30/3 jor luhh~

3 months we have been together.


Will tis love last lonq?

Or will tis love end soon?


Feel soo confused now.

In skul all my frenz kip sayinq 3 months lohh~ 3 months loh~~

I jz smile to thm.

But all the smiles i gave thm,

are a fake smile.


feel soo hard to give a real happy smile to thm.

whole day force myself to be happy.

but inside my heart,

i'm still sad.



The onli person who knws i'm nt happy is Yuunq.

Aft skul he walk to me n ask wad happen.

Suppose wan to change topic geh.

But he keep askinq me untill i surrender.


mai tell him everythinq luhh~

bla bla bla~~


haven't make a decision..

weather to listen to my parents,

or follow my own way.

stress nia!!


_____________ NO MOOD!!!!! STRESS!!!! _____________


Status: No mood? >.<

Offtime: 1805



- END -


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