
Yaya gor's birthday cominq soon luhh..

12/4 is eur birthday lorhx.

gor gor now up thr happy marhx?

mei mei everyday will look up to the sky n think of eu~

reli reli miss gor gor neh!


gor gor leave tis world almost 2 months luh.

dun knw wad r eu doinq up thr?

gor gor sure meet dou many new frenz barhx?

up thr sure sonq rite?

no nid to worry abt anythinq...

how i wish i'm oso up thr...

no nid to think abt anythinq~

i rmb eu say ''MeiMei dun cry | MeiMei dun miss me oh'' b4 leavinq tis world.

But i can't do it...

Everyday 5pm meimei sure will sit outside lookinq at the sky~

 forcinq myself not to cry + missinq eu...

all this sadness i have been keepinq inside my heart for almost 2 months!!

Miki always wan me to share all tis thinqs wif her,

but i din share wif her.

jz kip all to myself.

soo wad if i say out?

they oso won't understand d!!

the onli person who understands me is gorgor...

now eur gone,

i jz can kip all this inside my heart~

12/4 is eur biq day + eur racinq competition~

eu say b4 i have to help eu win...

but i'm nt in KL~~

i pass it to Makiyo + she ngam ngam over 18~

can drive!!

i underage go for the race wan me die ar?

even if i'm bad i oso nt bad untill drive durinq d day time d wad!!

gor gor fonq sam bahh...

Makiyo can win dou tis race gehh~


gor gor jz stay up thr n watch her race bahh~


mei mei love eu forever~~




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